This year our School celebrated the 120th anniversary of its foundation wiith a large and very prestigious exhibition showcasing all the talents and technical skills which are used throughout Japan. The "Birth and Rebirth" exhibition was intended to be a tribute to what has made the School so famous, starting with the creation of the moribana, with the new trends and focuses which are being led by the new Iemoto, Hiroki OHARA, who has just celebrated his 26th birthday.
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Les quatre Iemotos de L’École Ohara. The four Iemotos of the Ohara School. |
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Le cinquième Iemoto, Hiroki Ohara. The fifth Iemoto. Hiroki Ohara. |
Une telle manifestation nécessite une organisation importante et bien coordonnée car, ne l'oublions pas, il s'agit de mettre en œuvre une exposition périssable dans un local fermé. C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles chaque session ne dure que trois jours consécutifs avec de nombreux remplacements de végétaux chaque jour.
It has been a decades-long tradition of the School to choose the 8th floor of the Takashimaya-Ginza department store fordisplaying its creations both large and small in an enclosure covering 1500 square meters.
Not less than 485 masters from all over Japan took turns in visiting the exhibition over the two sessions that were held : 26.27.28 February and 1.2.3 March and which was attended by 40.343 paying or invited visitors (1000 yens, or 7,50 €).
It takes a lot of well-coordinated organisation to stage such an event because, let's not forget, it's an exhibition involving perishable items which is held in an enclosed space. This is one of the reasons why each session lasts no longer than three consecutive days during which many of the plants are replaced daily.
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6273 visiteurs par jour ! 6.723 visitors a day! |
Ensuite, en fonction de l'emplacement réservé dans le magasin, il est nécessaire de construire de toutes pièces la structure dans laquelle seront présentées les compositions. Ce qui implique de faire appel à différents corps de métiers : architectes d'intérieur, menuisiers, peintres, poseurs de tissus et de tatamis, éclairagistes, graveurs, etc... La commission de préparation se doit ensuite de définir la taille, le nombre et la nature des contenants qui seront répartis sur toute la surface disponible.
Tous les vases sont prêtés par l’École et mis à la disposition des exposants, ainsi que les grandes structures en bois.
Everything starts several months before the event when the exhibition space is booked and when the decisions are taken regarding the main themes such as the categories of bouquets which will be displayed : rimpa, bunjin, landscapes, hana mai, hana ishô enclosures etc...
Next, depending on the space which has been reserved in the shop, all the various parts to the structure for displaying the compositions need to be assembled. This means enlisting the services of professionals : interior designers, carpenters, painters, tissue and tatamis arrangers, lighting engineers, engravers etc.. The preparation commission then has to decide on the size, number and type of the containers which will be placed wherever space is available.
All the vases are loaned by the School for use by the exhibitors, as are the large wooden structures.
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La préparation de la salle pour les exposants. Site preparation for the exhibitors. |
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Les charpentiers au travail. Carpenters at work. |
Le stade suivant est le plus important : définir, pour chaque composition, le choix et l'association de végétaux les mieux adaptés en tenant compte de la saison. Beaucoup de plantes utilisées sont forcées en serre chaude afin qu'elles soient développées et fleuries pour les dates précises de l'exposition (Erables, forsythia, sakura, iris, pivoines, etc...).
Après avoir été définie, la liste est transmise au principal responsable de l'approvisionnement de l'ensemble des fleurs et branchages de l'exposition. C'est au fleuriste Hanamo de Tokyo que revient la lourde charge de contacter tous les producteurs de fleurs, tant au Japon que dans le monde entier (Hollande, Afrique du Sud, Chine, Amérique du Sud, Taiwan, Thailande, etc.).
Le P.D.G. de l'entreprise m'a dit qu'il lui fallait au moins six mois de travail avec son équipe pour réunir les centaines de plantes qui lui sont demandées !
The next stage is the most important one : deciding, for each composition, on the most suitable choice and combination of plants depending on the season. Many of the plants used are artificially grown in green houses so that they flower just in time for the exhibition (Maple, forsythia, cherry blossom, iris, peony etc.). Once it has been drawn up, the list is sent to the person in charge of supplying all the flowers and branches for the exhibition.
The florist Hanamo of Tokyo has the unenviable responsability of contacting all the flower producers not only in Japan but the world over (Holland, South Africa, China, South America, Taiwan, Thailand etc.). The Managing Director of the flower company told me that it took his team at least six months to assemble the hundreds of plants requested!
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Chaque plante a sa place et son programme. Each has its place and its program. |
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Le plus important est d'être bien organisé... The most important thing is to be very well organized... |
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4 heures pour finir les compositions... 4 hours to complete the compositions... |
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Il n'y a plus assez de place pour finir cet arrangement. There are not much space to achieve its arrangement... |
The Ohara School is ultimately run by an executive committee which coordinates all the technical aspects and decides upon the teaching methods. This is the COP (Council of Professors) which consists of 70 members, eminent professors many of whom are in charge of the Ohara chapters in the different regions of Japan. Amongst other things, they take part in the production of Kikyo review and forms the jury panels for examining the different grades. In addition they have the responsability of deciding on and supervising the preparations for the exhibitions throughout the country.
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Les grands montages prennent plus de temps... Large montages takes much longer time... |
La veille de l'ouverture, les grands montages sont réalisés en premier par une équipe restreinte suivie par tous les autres exposants qui trouveront le vase et les végétaux à leur emplacement.
Chacun aura reçu auparavant la photo du vase et la liste des plantes retenues pour eux par la Commission. Ils devront s'acquitter d'un droit pour la réservation de leur place et le règlement des végétaux. Le montant est relativement élevé et réservé uniquement à ceux qui ont beaucoup d'élèves ou une notoriété reconnue. C'est la raison pour laquelle il est courant que plusieurs maîtres se regroupent autour d'un même projet commun.
Next comes the active phase of the exhibition. On the day before the preparation work starts the main leaders choose their flower material from the Hanamo florist. The plants are then carefully wrapped before being transported to the exhibition venue. On the day before the exhibition opens, the main assembling work is done by a small team before all the others exhibitors arrive to find their containers and flower material at their exhibiting space.
Each exhibitor will have received beforehand the photo of the vase and the list of the plants which have been chosen for them by the Commission.
They have to pay a fee to reserve their space as well to pay for their flower material. It cost a lot of money and only those schools which have a lot of students or are very well known can afford it. This is the reason why it is common practice for several masters to work together on a joint display.
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Sélection de plantes par le fleuriste Hanamo. Selection of plants by florist Hanamo. |
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Le Iemoto apporte son support... The Iemoto provides support... |
La Division Internationale de l'Ecole et le Iemoto avaient choisi, pour les deux sessions, dix maîtres pratiquant en dehors du Japon en leur offrant, à chacun, un emplacement.
Pour l'Europe, Annamaria RATTO représentait l'Italie et l'Association EOTA, René MUTTI la Suisse, Annick GENDROT et Marcel VRIGNAUD la France.
The International Division of the School and the Iemoto chose, for the two sessions, ten masters who teach outside Japan to whom it gave a free space each.
For Europe, there was Annamaria RATTO representing Italy and the EOTA Association, René MUTTI for Switzerland and Annick GENDROT and Marcel VRIGNAUD for France.
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Paysage par Annick Gendrot. Landscape by Annick Gendrot. |
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Bunjin Heika par Marcel Vrignaud. Bunjin Heika by Marcel Vrignaud |
Participer ou visiter une exposition d'une telle qualité constitue une expérience unique pour un occidental. Nous avons eu le plaisir de retrouver sur place plusieurs membres du Chapitre Ohara-France et de plusieurs autres chapitres européens.
Ils ne l'oublieront pas de sitôt !
Pour vous qui n'avez pas eu cette chance, vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques photos vous donnant un aperçu de ce que l'on peut créer à partir de fleurs, feuillages, branchages et accessoires les plus divers.
Bien cordialement.
Marcel Vrignaud et Suzy Vallée.
To have the opportunity of exhibiting at or just visiting an exhibition of such quality is a unique experience for a Westerner...
We had the pleasure of meeting several members of the Ohara France Chapter and also other european chapters who had come to Japan for the exhibition, who found a quite unforgettable experience !
For those of you haven't been quite so lucky, we're enclosing a few photos to give you an idea of what you can create out of flowers, foliage, boughs and using most varied accessories !
With best regards.
Marcel Vrignaud and Suzy Vallée.
The author thanks the International Division of Ohara School in Tokyo for the statistical data of the exhibition, Jean Brette for his photographic assistance and Suzy Vallée for writing help.
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Mrs. Wakako Ohara |
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Mme Ohara, maman du Iemoto. Mrs Ohara, mother of the Iemoto. |
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La chef d'oeuvre du Iemoto Hiroshi OHARA. Masterpiece of Iemoto Hiroshi OHARA. |
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