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jeudi 22 mai 2014

Hors-Série Esprit Bonsai : Les jardins japonais

Vous avez été nombreux à manifester votre intérêt pour ce hors-série annoncé dans notre n° 69 et vous en remercions. Nous avons malheureusement dû annuler la parution de cet ouvrage, et la reporter à l'année prochaine. Vous serez averti, dans le magazine, de sa parution. 

Si vous souhaitez approfondir vos connaissances ou trouver des idées pour votre jardin, découvrez tous nos livres sur ce thème !


mercredi 14 mai 2014

1984-2014 : L'EBA a fêté ses 30 ans en Pologne / EBA has celebrated its 30th anniversary in Poland !

1984-2014 : L'EBA a fêté ses 30 ans en Pologne

L'EBA (European Bonsai Association) tenait son rendez-vous annuel pour 2014 à Wroclaw, en Pologne. Environ 2000 visiteurs, un peu plus d'une centaine d'arbres, des démonstrateurs internationaux et une quinzaine de professionnels venus en voisins de Pologne, de Hongrie, de Tchèquie, mais aussi d'Allemagne, de France, d'Ecosse et même de Suede. Une bien belle manifestation, et beaucoup d'échanges d'une communauté très internationale et cosmopolite. Esprit Bonsaï y était, pour y faire un reportage et y présenter la version internationale de son magazine, et vous en proposer quelques images en avant-première, en attendant le reportage complet dans notre numéro d'octobre, qui sera aussi le premier à être intégralement traduit en anglais. 

1984-2014 : EBA has celebrated its 30th anniversary  in Poland !
This year, the EBA (European Bonsai Association) had its annual meeting in Wroclaw in Poland. Around 2000 visitors, a bit more than one hundred trees, international demonstrators and around fifteen professionals coming from Poland of course but also from  Hungary, Tchequie, Germany, France, UK, and even Sweden ! A special mention to the organisers who welcomed the guests of the Gala  with breathtaking water-based son et lumière. 
A great gathering according to the participants who really enjoyed the exhibition and the fact that it has enabled more in-depth discussions about bonsai and related arts. 
Members of the Esprit Bonsai team were there to inform the bonsai community that the English version of Esprit Bonsai  would be available in October 2014. We thank everyone for the favourable reception of that news. Here are some pictures and comment before the full report on the event in October with the first English issue.

By the way, why not visit our new English website : www.en.esprit-bonsai.com

Kevin Wilson (UK) au travail, aidé de ses amis / Kevin Wilson (UK) at work with friends

Pavel Slovak, Tchequie 

Remise des prix "jeunes talents" / Young talents awards ceremony

Passage de témoin entre la Pologne (à gauche) et la Lituanie (à droite), qui organisera L'EBA l'année prochaine. / Smooth handover between Poland (left) and Lituania, who will organise the next EBA convention. 

A suivre... D'autres infos et photos prochainement.
To be continued soon. 

vendredi 9 mai 2014

Esprit Bonsai goes International !

We at Esprit Bonsai are proud to be able to present to you the first English-language issue of this magazine, which we founded in France 11 years ago.
What is Esprit Bonsai? It is almost easier to define it by what it is not:
It is not a technical magazine, even though it naturally covers the techniques that need to be learnt for shaping trees.
It is not an art magazine, even though bonsai is undoubtedly an art.
It is not a celebrity magazine, even though Esprit Bonsai often includes features about the key people in the field.
It is not a news magazine, even though we present all the major events related to bonsai and its practice.

As you will have understood, Esprit Bonsai is all these things at once: a magazine for everyone who loves, practises and wants to progress in the art of bonsai, with a respect for trees and nature. It is a magazine by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, which is not content simply to present techniques and great masters, but which also asks questions about the place of bonsai within the world, our lives and our daily rituals. A magazine with as much of an interest in the trees as in the men and women who create them, and as much in bonsai as in its setting, as well as in other artists such as potters or indeed kakemono painters. Essentially, it is a magazine which bears in mind that while bonsai is an art, it is also, and perhaps above all, an international community of men and women that has taken root across the globe.

And our dearest wish is that Esprit Bonsai International might be its faithful ambassador and advocate.


Votre magazine Esprit Bonsaï, que les Anglophones vous envient, sera traduit en anglais à partir du numéro 72 et sera donc distribué à l’international sous le nom : Esprit Bonsai International… Les amateurs de bonsaï et d’ikebana pourront ainsi profiter des mêmes informations que vous, Francophones. Des opérations de parrainage seront proposées ! Qu’on se le dise !


vendredi 2 mai 2014

Le livre du Noelanders Trophy XV bientôt disponible ! / Book Noelanders Trophy XV

Le livre du Noelanders Trophy XV bientôt disponible !
Ce collector est édité en édition limité et contient des photos de tous les arbres exposés lors du Noelanders Trophy XV qui a eu lieu à Heusden-Zolder, en Belgique les 18 et 19 janvier 2014, ainsi qu'une vue d'ensemble du travail des démonstrateurs internationaux de haut niveau.
Disponible vers le 15 mai 2014.
Format A4, couverture cartonnée, 120 pages, 39 € + frais de port.
Pour réserver votre exemplaire, envoyer votre adresse complète à christian.jm.vos@gmail.com.

Book Noelanders Trophy XV
This collector’s item, printed in a limited edition, contains the pictures of all the participating trees at the XV Noelanders Trophy and an overview of the skillful work of the international top demonstrators.
Will be available around May 15th, 2014.
Format: A4, hard cover, 120 pages.
Price: € 39 + shipment cost.
To make reservation of your copy, mail your full address to: christian.jm.vos@gmail.com.

Arcobonsai ces jours-ci en Italie

Le 29 congrès d'ArcoBonsaï se tiendra du 1er au 4 mai à Arco, près de Trento, au nord de l'Italie.
Ce grand rendez-vous européen annuel réunira une exposition de bonsaï et de suiseki.
Iura Takashi et Isao Omachi seront les deux démonstrateurs japonais invités.
Une vingtaine d'instructeurs italiens représenteront 20 clubs et feront des démonstrations simultanées lors du 13e concours d'Arco Bonsaï.
Pendant le week-end, démonstrations de suiseki, ikebana, origami, sumi-e, shodo, poterie et keido.
Un grand marché aux plantes, outils, pots et autres éléments indispensables aux bonsaïka sera disponible pendant tous le congrès.
contact : info@arcobonsai.com

The 29th ARCOBONSAI CONVENTION “ Giappone ad ARCO” will be held in Arco (Trentino) Italy
Tree and suiseki exhibitions – Demonstrations at the same time of twenty Italian teachers and twenty clubs for the 13th Arco bonsai contest. Demontrators Iura Takashi and Isao Omachi
Demo and show of suiseki, kusamono, ikebana, origami, sumi-e, shodo, ceramik making, keido,
The greatest market of plants, tools, ceramic and plastic pots, fertilizers and so Also 16th ARCOFIORI - market of flowers and typical local products.
Further details will be on the web site: info@arcobonsai.com

Mulhouse, bonsai world capital from 2nd to 12th October 2014

2010: unparalleled success in Europe
The Parc Expo and the City of Mulhouse organise every year the large flower show "Folie’flore"; Alain Baraton, head gardener at the national estate of Versailles, said it was the most creative one in France.
Every 4 years, Folie’flore is enriched by the "Bonsai Euro Top 30" event, which presents the 30 most beautiful bonsai trees of Europe.
The first edition in 2010 had been a resounding success: 135,000 visitors over 10 days and more than 15,000 during the conference which took place on the last weekend.
The conditions for the exhibits were exceptional: every tree had its own alcove with dynamic lighting that replicated the path of the sun from sunrise to sunset. The exhibition gave rise to a buzz on the net and even today still, the videos are watched by about 1,000 people per month.
The conference had presented a dozen international exhibitors and was the subject of a book publication at LR Press.

2nd to 12th October 2014: A Global Event
The event of 2014 will be incommensurate with the first edition: an even more exceptional program, even more sophisticated exhibition conditions and a surprise...

The program:
• 2nd October, in the afternoon:
Creation of a large "Forest of Peace" with five exhibitors representing the five continents: Tohru Suzuki (Japan), Milagros Rauber (Venezuela), Lindsay Muirhead (New Zealand), Charles Ceronio (South Africa), Enzo Ferrari (Switzerland).
• Saturday, 4th October from 10 a.m. till 9:00 p.m.
Individual exhibitions by the five international exhibitors.
• Saturday, 11th October and Sunday, 12th October
Individual exhibitions by European exhibitors. Confirmed to date are: Enzo Ferrari, Jorge Campos, Luis Balino, Paul and Lydie Buedts, Jean-François Busquet.

The exhibition from 2nd to 12th October
The selection of trees to be exhibited has been made by Tohru Suzuki, an additional guarantee of quality. Of particular note, inaddition to the award
winning trees in the European exhibitions, the presence of an exceptional bonsai selected for the Kokufu ten, a selection of boxwoods several centuries old.
The French bonsai federation is heavily involved in the show and will present the 10 most beautiful bonsai forests of France.
The exhibition is organised under the patronage of the WBFF (World Bonsai Friendship Federation).

"Forest of Peace"?
This great bonsai forest consisting of some twenty spruces will be created during a show combining different art forms. Why a "Forest of Peace"? To commemorate the centennial of the 1914-18 war and because Saburo Kato, the most famous Japanese master, founder of the WBFF, sadly deceased, used to begin all his speeches with the phrase: "World peace through bonsai". This tradition has continued ever since.

Prizes awarded
Several awards will be presented at the show: City of Mulhouse Prize for the most beautiful bonsai of Europe, awarded by Tohru Suzuki, the "Spirit of Bonsaï" Prize, awarded by the magazine editor Michèle Corbihan, Prize for the most beautiful deadwood, awarded byFrançois Jeker.

Accessible to all
The entry ticket costs only 7€ per day and givesaccess to the Folie’Flore, the Bonsai Euro Top 30 exhibition, all exhibitions and conferences.
On site, there are many good quality places to eat and drink at varying prices and at any time.
The exhibition takes place at the Parc Expo, 120 rue Lefèvre, 68100 Mulhouse, which has a huge, free parking area.
You can access it easily: The A36 motorway is 3 minutes away, the TGV station 5 minutes, Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg International Airport 25 minutes.
For the event you can benefit from an exceptional offer of accommodation, pay for one night, get one free, at the following hotels:
- Ibis Centre Gare, jennifer.billig@arcadex.fr

- Best Western, Hôtel de la Bourse, bourse.hotel@gmail.com

- Holiday Inn, sandra.imhof@holidayinn-mulhouse.fr

The Kyriad Hotel is offering a special discount on these prices: kyriad@hotel-mulhouse.com

If you contact one of these hotels, request the special offer: "Journées d’Octobre. Bonsaï – Folie’flore"».

The detailed program will be distributed in a few weeks.

European Bonsaï San Show

Le Bonsaï San Show, des 18 et 19 octobre, à Saulieu, présente son affiche avec les démonstrateurs et les invités !
Qu'on se le dise...

Les Floralies à Nantes

De l'ikebana Sogetsu aux Floralies de Nantes, du 8 au 18 mai

Les Floralies internationales de Nantes dont le thème général est " Bouquet d'Art " ou le voyage poétique à travers les Arts, se tiendront du 8 au 18 mai 2014 parc des expositions de la Beaujoire pour sa 11e édition. L'ikebana Sogetsu, outre kl'art floral occidental et d'autres écoles japonaises, y sera présente avec l'association Asphodele.

L’art floral sous le nom de Art floral 44 disposera dans le hall 3 « Galerie d’art » l’espace « Sculpture " de 250m2 tout de blanc vêtu. Il est prévu un îlot central avec une très grande décoration, les autres compositions prendront place autour de la salle, en partie de l'ikebana Sogetsu de l’association Asphodèle dont ce sera la sixième participation, et en partie art floral occidental des associations Asphodèle et Floramy.
Les compositions seront en place avant le concours général, dont le jury passera le mercredi 7 mai, et resteront en état de fraîcheur jusqu’au lundi 19 mai, jour de fermeture des Floralies.
Un espace information sera réservé aux clubs au sous-sol du Grand palais.
Les compositions de l’art floral occidental seront de grande taille, de 1,20m à 2m ; l’ikebana sera de taille plus modeste et essentiellement moderne pour suivre le thème de la sculpture.
Le visiteur qui entrera dans cet espace pénètrera dans une galerie d’art contemporain, et les artistes de l'art floral auront tous à cœur de présenter du « grand art » avec leurs végétaux.

Les Floralies sont ouvertes le jeudi 8 mai de 10h à 21h et chaque jour jusqu'au 18 mai.
Pour l'achat des billets et l'organisation d'une visite s'adresser au Comité des floralies
Asphodèle : soasic.lefranc@orange.fr
Floramy : floramy44@gmail.com
Comité des Floralies : accueil@comite-des-floralies.com www..comite-des-floralies.com